Apparatus: Variant readings are given in the text in this presentation: Westcott-Hort text NA-26 text
< > indicates a word where NA26 encloses only a part of the word in square brackets. Since this would affect the search tools, we use these brackets. The reader should consult the printed NA26 edition for the details.
[ ] indicates doubtful text.
1:1 paulos desmios cristou ihsou kai timoqeos o adelfos filhmoni tw agaphtw kai sunergw hmwn
1:2 kai apfia th adelfh kai arcippw tw sustratiwth hmwn kai th kat oikon sou ekklhsia
1:3 caris umin kai eirhnh apo qeou patros hmwn kai kuriou ihsou cristou
1:4 eucaristw tw qew mou pantote mneian sou poioumenos epi twn proseucwn mou
1:5 akouwn sou thn agaphn kai thn pistin hn eceis eis pros ton kurion ihsoun kai eis pantas tous agious
1:6 opws h koinwnia ths pistews sou energhs genhtai en epignwsei pantos agaqou [tou] tou en hmin eis criston
1:7 caran gar pollhn escon kai paraklhsin epi th agaph sou oti ta splagcna twn agiwn anapepautai dia sou adelfe
1:8 dio pollhn en cristw parrhsian ecwn epitassein soi to anhkon
1:9 dia thn agaphn mallon parakalw toioutos wn ws paulos presbuths nuni de kai desmios cristou ihsou
1:10 parakalw se peri tou emou teknou on egennhsa en tois desmois onhsimon
1:11 ton pote soi acrhston nuni de [kai] soi kai emoi eucrhston
1:12 on anepemya soi auton tout estin ta ema splagcna
1:13 on egw eboulomhn pros emauton katecein ina uper sou moi diakonh en tois desmois tou euaggeliou
1:14 cwris de ths shs gnwmhs ouden hqelhsa poihsai ina mh ws kata anagkhn to agaqon sou h alla kata ekousion
1:15 taca gar dia touto ecwrisqh pros wran ina aiwnion auton apechs
1:16 ouketi ws doulon all uper doulon adelfon agaphton malista emoi posw de mallon soi kai en sarki kai en kuriw
1:17 ei oun me eceis koinwnon proslabou auton ws eme
1:18 ei de ti hdikhsen se h ofeilei touto emoi elloga
1:19 egw paulos egraya th emh ceiri egw apotisw ina mh legw soi oti kai seauton moi prosofeileis
1:20 nai adelfe egw sou onaimhn en kuriw anapauson mou ta splagcna en cristw
1:21 pepoiqws th upakoh sou egraya soi eidws oti kai uper a legw poihseis
1:22 ama de kai etoimaze moi xenian elpizw gar oti dia twn proseucwn umwn carisqhsomai umin
1:23 aspazetai se epafras o sunaicmalwtos mou en cristw ihsou
1:24 markos aristarcos dhmas loukas oi sunergoi mou
1:25 h caris tou kuriou ihsou cristou meta tou pneumatos umwn